Nov 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10

Today, I am grateful for a messy house and the family I pick-up after every single day.

I went to bed a little cranky and SO ready for the day to be over (that is a long story and one I WISH I could blog about...) When I woke up my mood was changed but there were shoes scattered about every room, a sink full of dirty dishes, my dining table converted to a laundry sorting station....

But, so what if Dfab leaves his shoes in every open crevice of this house? So what if I literally fell to my knees b/c I tripped over a toy car in the hallway while carrying the baby in the dark? So what if I will spend the better part of my day picking up and cleaning only to do it all over again tomorrow? I am grateful that this house is filled with a family. I am so thankful that the family is mine.

1 comment:

Dana said...

you are such a blessed lady!! and don't you wish you had a secret blog to blog about WHATEVER you want!! ive gotta start one! xo