Nov 27, 2010

Saturday, November 27

I've missed a few days b/c of the holiday. Lo siento! But I have decided to not go back and just move forward. So...

Today I am thankful for the comfort of this house. We have truly made this cozy brick bungalow into a nest for a family. A small, happy, thriving family. How awesome is that?

When I first quit my agency job to work at home and maintain my own client load. I worried that I'd be bored. That I'd be stir crazy. That I'd want out of these four walls. And yes, I did feel those things. Everyone does. But the most overwhelming thing I felt was content. Happy to wake up in my jammies, make the coffee or brew the tea and start a completely different routine. No rushing out the door. No anxiety over traffic, early meetings, co-worker classhes...I started to settle into a new version of myself that I liked a lot better.

When we brought Mila home, I started another new routine - constantly reorganzing every single item in every single room to make room for our growing collection of babyness. It's awesome. I'm driven to live more simply to make room for the most important person in this humble abode

I know we will have to move in the near future. I know our family can't really grow much more in this house.
But for now,  I love to come home to this house. We got engaged in this house and brought our bebe here on her third day of life. We are growing our businesses out of this house. We continue to make this house work for us and it continues to make us feel safe and content and loved and sane.

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