Mar 25, 2011

2011, I'm starting to love you...

So far, I've learned so much about friendship in 2011. I have been so profoundly touched and moved and felt needed in my friendships. Perhaps that's because I so badly need my friends with every day that passes.

A few weeks ago, my friend Marge showed up at my house with the most beautiful scarf ever made. This is not an exaggeration. She not only brought her tiny precious bean to my house just because - she handed me a scarf that she bought for me b/c she loves me. My friend Sarah, sweet preggers Sarah, is so far away but manages to always call me on a day when hearing her voice is like sanity. She's smart but she's also timely and I love that about her because she called the other day when my options were narrowed down to plucking out eyelashes OR eating my weight in Cadbury. We pick up right where we left and it makes me miss her less - just a little. And don't even get me started on Christina and what went down here last night. What can I say? Christina is family, kids. Plain and simple. Every single Alper in this house is better because of Christina.

And let's not forget the daily cast of characters - you know who you are. I wouldn't make it from a.m. to p.m. without you. Every single conversation with my mothers makes me a better person and a better friend. From our early a.m. chats to our fat bastard Fridays at Chick Fila...

It's not a secret that I value my lady friends with ferocity. I worry all the time that motherhood is making me a worse friend because my time is shorter and my actions fewer and farther between. But as I watch my friends become professionals and wives and moms I am aware that we all feel this way. Our core has to shift. It's inevitable. But I'm so thankful to be reminded of the power of friendship and so lucky that it lives in my every day life.

So...with that said...2011, I sorta love you. You're really starting to grow on me.

Mar 24, 2011

Just a random thought...tomorrow is Friday. One week from this Friday (tomorrow) is my 33rd birthday.

I'm sure I'll have more to say about that later...
I'm having a really hard time working this's practically torture. My hubs and the bebe have both been illin' and it's stretched me a tad. Work has been pushed aside to the wee hours and the late nights. Se la vie...

Really just writing because tomorrow is Friday and TGIF. I love my Fridays with Birdie. It's our weekly hall pass. I love it.

Only 11 more hours...

Mar 22, 2011

Fans in Training...

We took Birdie and her BFF to a concert the other night. My cool-as-shit friend Marshall is in a band called Johnny Vancouver (he is in 3 bands actually) and we took the little ladies up to Vintage Vinyl to watch. Adorableness ensued.

Lara pointed out that this wasn't even their first concert together! We're such good parents!
Training the little rockstars and fans of tomorrow....

If mama ain't happy...

It seems like when life gets busy something falls to the wayside. For me, it is ALWAYS this little blog. Despite the amount of enjoyment it gives me, I get busy and just don't sit down to blog.

So here I am. Lots on my mind lately. My growing girl, my expanding group of family and friends and work, work, work. I'm really enjoying getting back into the swing of things with work and feel great about putting Bird in nursery school a few mornings a week. This consistency is what our little family needs right now. Well, maybe just mama needs it but you know what they say about keeping mama happy...

Speaking of happy...check out this face. Who couldn't be happy with this face to kiss and cuddle?