Nov 27, 2009

11/27 p.m. Miss Malon

Rant: My choir teacher, Miss Malon, used to smile when she was saying something rude or cutting or condscending. She did it all the time and I loathed it. But I also became adept at picking it up in other people. I need to thank Miss Malon.

See, Miss Malon didn't know that she was preparing me for my adult life. A family member does this to me all the time. Smiling while eyeing my shapely (:-) figure and asking me if I have chosen an eating philosophy for my 5-month old daughter. Smiling while she tells me she'd like me to cancel my lunch plans and join her for her birthday meal since her daughter lives in Chicago and can't make it. All smiles. All the time. But where's the real? The same as with Miss Malon, why not just say what you mean to say?

Not (nice, tight smile) "Raymee, your solo was pretty sharp today." (smile widens) "Why don't you go practice where you're not bothering the rest of the group?" (smiling still?)

Not (sickly sweet smile) "I really like it when you wear your hair down." (smile tightens but enthusiasm increases) "Isn't it nice to make yourself look put together sometimes?!"

I'm onto you. Like I like to say, you can't fuck a fucker. Back it up.

1 comment:

dave+sarah said...

damn, i love your honesty.