Apr 5, 2011


I think one of the hardest parts of working for yourself is having courage. Courage to make the right decision. Courage to be discplined with billing, invoices, saving. Courage to find the right partners. But mostly, the courage to say NO.

I have a hard time with this. If you know me well, you are laughing and say "yeah, right." But it's true. My cardinal sin as a freelancer is not saying NO often enough. You see, we (the global we of freelancers and I as their spokesperson - LOL) are trapped between wanting/needing/having to make money and wanting/needing/dreaming of the right projects/clients/partners. Sometimes these things fall into place. But most of the time - we choose making $ over passion. Or we work with a partner out of necessity over desire. Such is life.

But what about the times when we know someone is a total fall apart hassle holy hot mess of a person? What then? Is no the right or wrong answer? Is sanity over-valued in my make-my-own-choices way of life?

I struggle here...

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