Aug 25, 2010

backyard bliss

birdie and i just spend a few hours roaming around the backyard. we covered the hilly part with the overgrowth and wood pile. we wandered over to the brick patio and examined the moss growing through the cracks. we agree it's pretty cool and we shouldn't get rid of the moss.

we walked down the hill by the broken grill and then over to the big maple tree in the center of the yard. we found a convenient bench on the backside of the tree and we chilled there for a few seconds. we spotted the sandbox and the water table and we pushed them on their sides and dumped out all of the toys. we tried to pick them up, but we got distracted by the deflated baby pool. after we dumped handfuls of leaves into the baby pool pile, we laid out our bright blue blanket and sky gazed.

it's such a beautiful day. it's birdie's naptime foreplay. energy burns out into a short slumber. laying next to my little girl on this bright blue blanket under this bright blue sky is bliss.

1 comment:

Dana said...

shes a busy little lady! it sounds wonderful! :) love you guys!