Nov 14, 2010

Sunday, November 14

Speaking of my dad...Happy Birthday, Big Bg Daddy Waddy! Today is your dad's 58th birthday!

I am so thankful to have such a good dad. Not only have I felt his love and protection every day of my life without fail, now that I am grown woman I also really like him. He has the best laugh on the planet. It borders on hilarious hysteria. It's fantastic.

I love talking to him about music and am always surprised by what he's into and how he stretches himself to like so many different kinds of music. I can remember waking up on the weekend to my dad lying on the floor in the den listening to his collection - the house silent around him, his eyes closed. It always looked like bliss to me. I like to remember him like that and stop in the middle of the day to take in my favorite music - it's like a reset button.

Now that I am the mother to a little girl, I am even more grateful and thankful for such a good dad. I think girls really need that love, affection and adoration when they are little. I always felt beautiful, intelligent, listened to and loved. I might not always see eye-to-eye with my dad and I might not have always made the choices he wished for me, but he gave me the gift of confidence and perspective from an early age. Even now, I wake up every day knowing that my dad thinks I'm really special -- regardless of all that life throws at me  -- and that is really special to me.

So, Dad. I think you are pretty awesome. I'm a lucky little girl.

Raymee Jo


Dana said...

Big Daddy Waddy is so awesome! I'm so blessed to have a great dad like him in my life! Thanks for sharing :) I will take pics of my first ever homemade pie for you! we will miss you, d fab, and birdie tonight!! xo

raymee writes said...

Dana - He loves you so much, too! We are lucky to have you in our family!