Oct 7, 2010

envy envy is no fun...

I am having serious new house envy. It seems like everyone I know is either upgrading their current house or moving into a house that is new to them. And, as my most honest self, I am envious.

I love our house. It's in one of my favorite neighborhoods in all of St. Louis. I love the cottagey, warm, cozy feel of this house. We got engaged here, made a baby here and bought that baby here to grow up with us. We've started businesses here, ran them and stored every single thing we produced in our teenytinysmall basement. So I don't want to let my house feel that I'm starting to stray...but I am...

I can close my eyes and see my next house. Spacious, one-level, lots of bedrooms and just enough bathrooms (I freaking HATE cleaning toilets and sinks.) A good yard and enough space for David and his employee gaggle can work on-site but out of site, too. I want the kids to have a yard to play in but be close enough to all the comforts of my city. Trees, flowers and room for the compost pile, too.

Oh well, for now I think I should close my eyes and try to see patience in my future, too. ;-)

1 comment:

Dana said...

you know there are some houses for sale in my neighborhood :)